Contest Categories (with 2017 winners)
- Best Lads Costume Mr. Shamrock - Declan Killeen-Toomey
- Best Lasss Costume Miss Shamrock - Claire Enright
- Best Adult Male Costume Mr. Ireland - Greg Lou Gehrig-Dunphy
- Best Adult Female Costume Ms. Ireland - Desiree Mathews
- Best-Dressed Dog - “Alexander ” companion - Melissa Cass
- Youngest Participant Leprechaun - Mary Snyder
- Most Senior Participant - Ginny Bonner
- Reddest Hair Rua Ri Male - (no entries)
- Reddest Hair Rua Ri Female - Eileen Hornberger Thomson
- Most Freckles Male - Milo Herbst
- Most Freckles Female - Lauren Halterman
- Largest Clan - Demsey clan
To Enter a Contest:
- Contests will be judged the day of the parade beginning at 1:00 p.m.
- Check in at the flatbed stage at the corner of Wisconsin Avenue &
E. Mifflin Streets on the Capitol Square.
Contest Winners:
- Walk in parade and carry signs indicating the contest won
- Receive prizes
2017 Contest Prizes Donated By:
- Animart
- Barre 3
- Capitol Kids
- Ella's Deli
- Ian's Pizza
- I'm Board! Games & Family Fun
- Orange Tree Imports
- Pat O'Malley's Jet Room Restaurant
- Rockin' Jump
- Schwoegler's Entertainment Center
Special thank you to Ian's Pizza and Starbucks for providing pizza and coffee for our wonderful volunteers!
Brought to you in part by: