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Dane County Shamrock Club, Inc.


Registrant Line Up

  • Parade steps off from the middle of the 10 block of E. Mifflin St.

  • Parade headquarters and check-in location is in front of YWCA.

  • For marching groups, check-in begins at 11:30 a.m., and line-up is at 12:30 p.m.

  • Parade route is counter-clockwise around the Capitol Square, exiting at E. Washington Avenue.
  1. Police car
  2. Marine color guard
  3. Bag Piper Sean Dargan
  4. Kids on bikes
  5. Welcome banner
  6. Corporate sponsor banner
  7. #stpatsmadison banner
  8. St. Patrick
  9. Grand marshals
  10. Currach Irish Trio
  11. Tierney clan
  12. Madison Police Chief Shon Barnes
  13. Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway
  14. Dane County Sheriff Kalvin Barrett
  15. Dane County Shamrock Club
  16. Jolly Giants
  17. Trinity Irish Dance
  18. The Walsh family
  19. Bucky Badger
  20. UW Marching Band
  21. Batman
  22. Logan's Heart & Smiles
  23. Madison West Middleton Rotary
  24. The Rigby Pub Grill and Events
  25. Madison Hailstones GAA
  26. Madison Fire Chief Chris Carbon
  27. Shanky's WHIP
  28. Engine 38
  29. Veterans for Peace
  30. FORWARD! Marching Band
  31. Melonhead All-Star Juggling
  32. DeLoreans of Wisconsin
  33. Peter Kraus Fitness
  34. The Kissers
  35. Madison United Rugby
  36. Two Men and a Truck Madison
  37. Two Men and a Junk Truck
  38. 350 Wisconsin Acition
  39. Klein Farm of the Ride the Blue Wave
  40. J & K Security Solutions
  41. Wisconsin Wombats
  42. Cripple Creek Cloggers
  43. Rocket Cycle
  44. Touch of Europe Cleaning
  45. Madison Mallards
  46. Eli 4 Madison
  47. Wisconsin Bail Out the People Movement
  48. Madison Pipes and Drumbs
  49. Dave Jones Inc.
  50. Bubble Car
  51. Pogie the Yogie
  52. Jonathan Bee - High Wheel Bicyclist
  53. Momic and Grassroots for the People
  54. Mosquito Joe of Madison
  55. Lake View Southside Dairyland Dancers
  56. Miss Madison
  57. BeeHive Homes of Oregon
  58. Wild Rumpus
  59. Cashel Academy of Irish Dance
  60. Nitty Gritty
  61. Urban Air Adventure Park
  62. Genna's Cocktail Lounge
  63. Loyal Order of the Caribbean Soul
  64. Impact Life
  65. Bag Pipers / Sean Dargen
  66. Thank you banner
  67. Police Car

Find your number on the line-up list

  • Group 1 (#1 - #21) You will be lining up on E Mifflin Street (on the square). If you have a vehicle, enter via E Washington Ave or N Hamilton Street.
  • Group 2a (#26 - #31) You will be lining up on the 100 block of N Pinckney, enter N Pinckney from the outer ring.
  • Group 2 (#22 - #25 and #32 - #39) You will be lining up on the 100 block of N Hamilton St. Enter from N Hamilton St.
  • Group 3 (#40 and up) You will be lining up on N Pinckney St (on the square). Enter the square from E Washington Ave.

Image of map showing parade route

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